Closterium rostratum Ralfs

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Closterium rostratum Ralfs

Messagede Pascal67 » 25 Sep 2024 10:41

taille : 30x435 µm
apex : 6 µm
Rapport L/l : 15
courbure : 30° - slightly curved
Extrémités arrondies (avec pore ?)
présence de cristaux mobiles
Pyrénoïdes axiales
surface striée, env. 13/14 stries/10µm
absence de bande d'élongation

Closterium rostratum_Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0051.jpg
Exif et Meta MicroCartouche Closterium rostratum_Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0051.jpg (151.61 Kio) Vu 165 fois

Closterium rostratum _Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0059.jpg
Exif et Meta MicroCartouche Closterium rostratum _Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0059.jpg (152.56 Kio) Vu 165 fois

Closterium rostratum _Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0064.jpg
Exif et Meta MicroCartouche Closterium rostratum _Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0064.jpg (180.1 Kio) Vu 165 fois

Closterium rostratum _Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0060.jpg
Exif et Meta MicroCartouche Closterium rostratum _Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0060.jpg (199.46 Kio) Vu 164 fois

Closterium rostratum _Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0063.jpg
Exif et Meta MicroCartouche Closterium rostratum _Raon étape - Lajus 2024_0063.jpg (226.96 Kio) Vu 164 fois

Closterium rostratum Ralfs Plate 18: 1-3

Cells (very) slightly curved with a broad fusiform midregion and narrow, colourless, beak-like
ends. Ventral side of the midregion usually more convex than the dorsal side. Beak-like cell ends
shorter than the midregion and usually curved along their overall length, slightly widened at
the apex. Apices truncately rounded. Cell wall without girdle bands, brownish (rarely colourless),
finely striate (8-15 str/10 μm), at the poles indistinctly punctate. Cell length (240-) 300-500
(-550) μm, breadth (17-) 20-30 (-37) μm, L/Br (8.5-) 12-18 (-20). Zygospores in frontal view rectangular
with concave sides and broadly truncate-concave angles extending with a tooth or short
spine into the gametangial cells.
Occurrence: mesotrophic, scattered in moorland pools and fen hollows. Zygospores known from
a few sites (e.g., Korenburgerveen).

Closterium rostratum
Cells 20-30 µm wide,300-500 µm long,dorsal margin gently curved throughout length, inner margin sxollen in mi-region, narrowing to distinctive, subparrallel cell end ; apices 3.5-5 µm wide, slightly inflated, sub-truncate to rounded ; girdle bands absent ; chloroplasts with 3-5 longitudianl ridges and 4 or 5 axile pyrenoids, occupy only broad region ; walls coulourless to brown, striated (8-15 striae in 10 µm), orften striae difficult to detect ; terminal vacuoles at base of rostrate ends, with 5-15 moving crystals.
Probably cosmopolitan, acidophile (pH 4-7,2) ; mostly associated with acid habitats, usually with Sphagnum, also in circum-neutral ponds with abundance of submerged macrophytes.
Binoculaire : Bressser ETD-201 + MicroCam II 12 MP
Microscope : Olympus BH-2 + MicroCam II 12 MP
APN : Canon EOS 1300D.
Logiciels : Picolay - Microcartouche - Gimp
Messages: 616
Inscription: 07 Aoû 2020 14:10
Prénom: Pascal

Re: Closterium rostratum Ralfs

Messagede Pascal67 » 25 Sep 2024 10:42

carte du prélèvement
Carte Lajus.jpg
Exif et Meta MicroCartouche Carte Lajus.jpg (231.27 Kio) Vu 166 fois

Binoculaire : Bressser ETD-201 + MicroCam II 12 MP
Microscope : Olympus BH-2 + MicroCam II 12 MP
APN : Canon EOS 1300D.
Logiciels : Picolay - Microcartouche - Gimp
Messages: 616
Inscription: 07 Aoû 2020 14:10
Prénom: Pascal

Re: Closterium rostratum Ralfs

Messagede YVES50 » 25 Sep 2024 12:07

Oui Pascal, sans problème : Closterium rostratum
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Messages: 4989
Inscription: 05 Mar 2010 16:36
Prénom: Yves

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